To our Globe Theatre Supporters,

We are asking you to turn your support into action. Performing arts organizations in Canada are facing unprecedented challenges to their survival, and we are asking that you help Regina to not become another statistic.

Please buy a ticket now. Make a donation. This is Your Globe! Help us thrive so that we can enter into our new building in a place of stability. The Globe Theatre is facing additional challenges that compound pandemic recovery, global unrest, and financial strains seen by organizations across the country. We are out of our building, the sense of familiarity is removed, audiences are asked to take a chance on new venues and theatre programming.

Currently, the Globe Theatre is on a precipice, and we have the opportunity to move up the hill with gratitude and joy celebrating theatre and culture in our city. The opposite is also true, and if audiences do not return, the consequences will be drastic.

Buy a ticket. Donate today. Engage with us on Facebook or Instagram. Every action helps.

Watch below to hear from Artistic Director, Jennifer Brewin, and Executive Director, Jaime Boldt.